Gusford is part of the Active Learning Trust. This is a multi academy trust and there is an Active Learning Trust Board who place a local governing body in each school to oversee the leadership of the school.
The Local Governing Body acts in accordance with the scheme of delegation agreed by the ALT Board. This scheme sets out what the Trust board asks the Local Governing Body to carry out on its behalf. In essence the role of the Local Governing Body (which should then underpin the work of the LGB) can be summarised as follows:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Active Learning Trust has further information on the links below:

Maninder Sohi
Chair of Governors and Trust Governor
I joined the Governing Body at Gusford Primary School in March 2022. I am an engineering and programme management professional with a track record spanning 37 years. During my career I have led major engineering and regulatory compliance programmes with accountability for all aspects including budgets of over £30m. I have a strong interest in STEM subjects with a passion for physics, maths and electronics. Taking early retirement from my professional career during 2018 in order to focus on hobbies and voluntary work, I volunteered at the Suffolk One Sixth Form College for 3 years. My work focused on supporting the engineering teaching team and students by delivering some of the more analytical content of the Extended Diploma in Engineering. I feel privileged to have benefitted from outstanding education which is directly responsible for the life that my family and I now enjoy. Consequently, I am passionate about the need for high quality and equivalence of opportunity for all in education. I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to assist the leadership and teaching professionals at Gusford in their provision of educational excellence for the young people of Ipswich.

Gavin Hetherington
Vice Chair of Governors and Community Governor
I have been teaching Business in secondary schools in Suffolk for the past twenty years. Currently the Deputy Headteacher of East Bergholt High School, my specialisms and areas of responsibility include safeguarding, pastoral care, and behaviour. I am passionate about education and empowering young people of Suffolk with opportunities and aspirations to continuously improve themselves. I am driven by the chance to break down inequalities and ensure every young person can be successful in their chosen field. I am extremely proud to have been invited to serve as a Governor of Gusford Primary School. Having visited the school on several occasions, I have always been impressed with the determination and commitment demonstrated by staff to provide the pupils with a safe, nurturing environment, whilst maintaining high expectations. I will ensure that I do everything I can to support the school’s strategic plan to deliver the best possible education for its pupils.

Samantha Collins
Parent Governor
Duties: Quality of Education, Maths & Pupil Premium; Declared interest: None
My career is as a Chartered Accountant specialising in solicitors so I am very used to regulation, targets, deadlines and paperwork and I have a good understanding of finances and reporting. I have two children in the school and like any parent I want the best for them. I joined the governing body as I believe we as parents and teachers have the responsibility to help all the children in the school gain the best start in life and I would like to use my skills to help achieve this. I’m keen to support the Head teacher and other staff to continue to improve the school to its full potential. I’m looking forward to learning more about the school as I continue in my role and to being part of its positive journey for the benefit of the children.

Charlotte Duell
Trust Governor
I am a parent of three children, with two of my children attending Gusford Primary School. I have been working as a secondary school teacher for 16 years teaching ICT and Media, currently in the role of ICT subject leader. I love teaching and giving learners the opportunity to be creative. I believe in the value of education and making sure all children can access the curriculum and become the best versions of themselves. I have become a parent governor to be able to help guide Gusford Primary in making sure they meet the school values, giving our children the best opportunities. It is important to give back to the community, which is why I have volunteered for this role. I plan to use the skills I have developed working in a school, as well as my knowledge of the education system and safeguarding within my role as parent governor.
Daniel Alcock
Parent Governor
I am a parent of 2 pupils here at Gusford, and my wife is a TA working in the school nursery. I currently work at BT with nearly 20 year’s experience covering everything from Network Operations, Test, Design and Platform Management. Now I am a Product Manager, helping to develop a £200m pa portfolio that support some of the world’s biggest companies. As part of this I have to work closely with sales, legal & regulatory and procurement. I am also leading on sustainability initiatives and reports for our customers. My ambition in my role as a parent governor is to help bring the best from the corporate world into the school to help inform and shape the strategy.